Thursday, July 31, 2014

Do you wanna build a snowman?

As some of you may know- on the 1st of each month, I post a list of my 50 "favorite things".

Now- when I first started doing this (even on my old blog) I could come up with oodles and oodles of "things". Lately, though,  I have been having a REALLY tough time coming up with 50. It's not that I don't like 50 things. ..because who doesn't yearn for the fineries in life? But my goal is to be as authentic and real as possible and the "things" that I am loving on, like really loving on....aren't  tangible, material goods. They are people, places, experiences and thoughts (blogs).
At first I was like," whoa, I can't just list people's names!" "Oprah gives her favorite things could I gift a PERSON?"
And then,  it hit me...I have plum darn grown up. Hmm.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my August list!
{BeBlessed} and have a GREAT night.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sunshine and summertime...July edition

Ya'll, this is my view as I write this. (On my Galaxy!) He is SOUND asleep.

We are 12 hours home from our "halfway cross country road trip" . What an AMAZING week full of family and farms and life lessons and love to live by.

I'm not going to go into detail now...but stay tuned for the next few days as my notebook is FULL of love and laughter and lessons to share.

God is ALL around us. Never forget that.
{BeBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

And I will give you REST.

I am writing this on my phone!  How cool is that? So cool, in fact, that I'm still in bed. Why? Because I CAN'T get out of it.

Believe me when I say that treatment for Cushings Syndrome/ Adrenal Fatigue has been successful. However, in choosing natural medicine versus traditional treatment- there are some very specific things that are 100% necessary for healing.   Key treatment steps that I have started to slack on....BECAUSE I felt better. And, in order to continue to feel better, these steps that I MUST follow for the long haul. I have gotten off track.

They A-#1 most beneficial practice, for me,  has been my water consumption. It is SO necessary for me to continually flush my system.  My kidneys NEED this. My whole body NEEDS it.
After my diagnosis and beginning of my treatment,  I purchased a 32 oz. Water cup called the "Bubba". On an average day, I will drink 4-5 Bubba's of water. That's 125-150 ounces of water daily!  Hydration makes me feel great! 

Taking our mini-vacay this past weekend knocked me off my water horse, though. (Not for LACK of a water park!)
I didn't bring Bubba with me, and instead finding a replacement. ..I just skipped the water intake all together. HUGE mistake #1.

The treatment practice that I have been slacking on the most, though? 
The one thing that my medical doctor and my eastern and natural practitioners all prescribed was REST. To "take a daily nap." "Know when to say no". "Make it a game with the kids." "Allow yourself your time."
Well....2 months ago when I was feeling downright horrible, this step was EASY!. HOWEVER, once I started to feel better, and the weather got nicer and nicer and the boys wanted to be outside all day and the pool was so refreshing and...and... and...
The naps fizzled....and I stopped taking MY time to rest.

We have been busy...I have been busy...

SO...this morning...I woke up...absolutely fatigued. My whole body feels weighted down. My head is aching, (not to mention a killer ear ache), my eyes just.

Wake up call! (Haha..."wake up")   I NEED to take care of ME in order to take care of my family. SO, as hard as it is going to be today...I NEED to rest. ALL day. It sounds so incredibly crazy to me. I have 3 boys under the age of 6. HOW?
Well...time to get creative. ;-)
Ask for help
Coloring books
Rewards...yes. I am willing to bribe them today. ;-)

This is a perfect day to work deeper in my study of "Abiding" with the Lord. (

I do believe that this study came into my life at the PERFECT time.
Isn't it great how God works?  He is So great!  I thank Him for all of His greatness- providing what we need- when we need it.

** check out my instagram throughout the day for photos of our "Day of Rest" activities. @daniteeple

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

{ beBlessed } and have a GREAT day

Monday, July 14, 2014

From the Mountains, to the Prairies. ..

During my lifetime, (a mere 36 years) there have been more than enough international crisis that easily could have developed into World War 3.
In the early 90's, when Operation Desert Shield/Storm began, the Patriotism felt within our country was electric. We, as a nation,  supported our troops in their effort to not only help bring justice to the land effected by the disturbed actions of Saddam Hussein but, in doing that, defending OUR freedoms here at home.
Popular fashion quickly converted to combinations of Red, White and Blue...the Eagle would soar above sporting events and an influx of patriotic music began to flood the airways.
At the time, I was just beginning my performance career and some weeks, I was booked to sing the National Anthem 2-3 times at various events and meetings.
Fast forward 10 years.  The fear of an attack on OUR own soil became reality and, again, it was socially acceptable to be patriotic. We, as a nation prayed together,  asking God to help us stand firm and protect the Land that We Love.

Now, 13 years later -our great Nation (the Free World) is involved in a crisis. It is one that doesn't involve Middle Eastern terrorists, there aren't any weapons involved (well..none that are being used maliciously) and no land or territory is in question.  The conflict we are suffering through, right here on our own soil, is based on the principle of FREEDOM itself and what should be allowed as part of our freedom.
It seems as if the guidelines set forth by our forefathers aren't good enough for our left wing friends of the bipartisan political arena. We hear things like "those rules were created 200 years ago", "things are different now". The knee-jerk legislative reactions to isolated events involving an individual with mental health needs, is disturbing in the least and the illegal maneuvers within our checks and balances system has created such a rift between political parties it seems as if there is no resolution. Whereas our Nation was built with a 2 party model in mind,  this fact is dividing the very land that we call home. Is that what our forefathers intended to symbolize freedom?
Whether you like it or not, our Nation was founded, developed and has thrived as "One Nation Under GOD." Our financial freedom was strengthened "In God We Trust" and we, as Americans,  took an oath of allegiance for ONE Nation, under GOD, INDIVISIBLE with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.
We are ONE nation. We are not many. We were not created have sub - cultures that celebrate all that the "Mother Country" allows with the bonus prize of American Freedom. Real, Red American blood has already been shed on our soil to escape that! America didn't want to be known as "Little England"...and America doesn't want to be known as an amalgamation of "Little" countries now. We WANT to be AMERICA!
The nations that have created the citizens of this great American fondu pot have brought such unique and amazing people- rich in their own heritage and ethnic traditions.
Some of our early settlers came here through a voyage that they were lucky to even survive. BUT...they came here for the right to live free. Work for personal gain. Worship GOD freely and live a happy life without FEAR of the government or rights being eliminated. This great Nation,  fought for the Freedom of those brought here against their will to fulfill a practice carried over here from the European "Mother Countries". This war, again, fought on our own soil- shedding American blood to fight for "American" freedoms.
And yet...we are fighting a war again. Not to free ourselves from the indoctrination of another country, king or master. We are fighting to KEEP the freedoms that have already been earned. 
What baffles me though..."WE" are not fighting. "WE" are going about our days...occasionally bickering with a political opponent. But, "WE the PEOPLE" are NOT fighting for our country. Our rights. Our land. Our money. Our LEGACY.
Where is the patriotism?
Where are the flag t-shirts?
Where are the patriotic songs?

Instead- an overt display of patriotism- gone -viral earns a mother of 3, backlash so severe as a death wish for her baby?
Really, America?
Land of the free, Home of the brave?
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?
We the People of the UNITED States, in order to form a more perfect union...?

Aren't you proud to live here?

Where is your allegiance?

SHOW it.  We have no problem wearing our colors during sporting about EVERY. SINGLE. DAY?

I challenge you.  Be a Patriot!  Show your PRIDE and DEVOTION to your country!

FLY your flag!
SING our Nation's songs!
SPEAK well of your country!
SUPPORT YOUR TROOPS (they are YOURS! Thanks to America)
Get INVOLVED in your government,  not just when it's socially acceptable.  But  ALL the time.

Patriots tend to keep quiet because they are striving to live their INDEPENDENT,  PRIVATE lives- granted to us by our constitution. Where as the "change-seekers" are more vocal due to their younger age and access and knowledge of modern technology and social media.

Let's be VOCAL Americans! Let's SHOW our Patriotism and love for OUR country.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands ONE nation, under GOD, INDIVISIBLE with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL!

Lord, protect our Nation as we continue to strive and live in the way YOU see fit.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The cheese stands alone...

Hey all!
I have MISSED writing! Wow.  Who would have thought that a break of a few weeks would impact the “normalcy” of a person’s psyche as much as it did?
I think that the “retrograde”…
{which is what I nicknamed it every time the Farmer and I had an argument. ;-)}
 has left us and energy is again aligned, so I will return to my site with my JULY FAVORITE THINGS!
1.       America
2.       Jesus
3.       My boys ;-)
4.       The Farmer
5.       The Lego Movie       

6.       Amazon Prime Music { Galaxy users…THIS feature is RIDICULOUS! Say goodbye to your iTunes}
7.       Headbands and turbans from
8.       My new journaling Bible
Displaying 20140705_110701.jpg.
9. {great online studies and BEAUTIFUL study packs that come with bonus pretties}
10.   Mandisa!!! – Who doesn’t want to wake up and DANCE to “Goodmorning!” ?
11.   Gel Nail Polish
12.   Gel Nail Polish that I can do at home with my OWN UV lamp.
14.   Mercy
15.   Young Living Essential Oils. ALWAYS. FOREVER. THE BEST. { distributer 1401485}
16.   Summer Rain
17.   Sodus Bay
18.   My parents
19.   Washi tape
20.   Summer learning
21.   The Mid-West and my family that lives there!
23.   Carol Tuttle and Dressing Your Truth {}
the turband AND the sunnies
24.   WHITE D&G sunglasses. {simply deLICIOUS}
25.   The Stars and Stripes
26.   Short hair {it may be a BIT too short at the moment…but MAN is it easy in the summer}
27.   ColorME temporary hair color.
28.   Zulily {my very 1st experience with this amazeball company has now turned in to 4 experiences.}
29.   {CHEAP but QUALITY  accessories}
30.   New Planner year starts in July! {I use The Well Planned Day planner from for schooling. I am going to explore a NEW style of daily planner this year!- I just haven’t chosen one yet.}
32.   Starbucks French Roast Coffee
33.   Pretty mugs to drink said coffee
34.   Mr. Sketch scented markers
35.   New York State Parks
36.   Lake Ontario
37.   Summer Breeze
38.   Fresh Produce
39.   Natalie Grant's new album
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40.   My POOL
41.   Knowing that I have taught my 2 older children to swim enough that we can enjoy the pool all day with just my supervision.
42.   Th1nk lifechange bible studies. A great way to spend in daily study
43.   Vacation Bible School! (I LOVE me some VBS)
Photo: Created my own VBS curriculum this year! ALL are welcome! PreK- 6th grade- and any teen helpers may contact me as well!
It is going to be AMAZING!
#daniteeple@gmail.comDisplaying 20140705_110714.jpeg
44.   Baby turtles hatching
45.   Fishing
46.   Disney Snow White inspired engagement ring. WHERE was THIS when we got ENGAGED???
47.   Knowing that I will be spending Christmas at the Magic Kingdom helps me sleep at night. ;-)
48.   The Disney Company for continuing to bless my family with special things.
49.   My husband…have I mentioned him yet?Goodness, I love that man.

5and for the BIG CHEESE:     V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N

{{beBlessed and have a GREAT weekend!}