Thursday, January 29, 2015

"You is kind, You is smart, You is important"

It's been 6 weeks.

It's been 6 weeks since I last published anything.

There haven't been any major life events that prohibited me from writing. Just life. can take twists and turns that are so unexpected and weird and profound that instead of sharing it all, I needed to let it soak in. Let it all resonate in my heart, so that I could live this life,that I have been given, with intention and faith.

That's really the key. Intentional  living.

I am so tired of trying to PROVE levels of success and  effort and reasoning. I have made the pledge time and time again that I was going to "live for me and not care about anyone else"
Seriously, though. How many of us can truly do that? The enemy gets into our heads...(and the hearts of others) and after fighting the good fight consistently for a while. ..we are back at the same spot.
Was my Christmas gift good enough for them?

Did I sound ok when I sang that?

Do I look fat?

Is my house clean enough to have them over?

Ugh...their house  is SO nice.

It's never ending.

Don't pretend that you don't do this. Everyone does.

The sad fact is, though, many of you really believe  that the answers to those questions are important. That you MUST display perfection at all times. Keeping up appearances and expectations and social status on a daily basis is EXHAUSTING.

and... "I ain't got time for that"

I want to....wait -I wholeheartedly  DESIRE to live my life intentionally. Intentional for my children and husband and friends and family, but most of all for my Jesus.

He was perfect. He was the only one. The ONLY sinless human being on earth (after Eve ate the dang apple). Don't be fooled. NO ONE else  on this earth has been, is or will be...sinless.

And, without sin one can be said to be flawless. Jesus was.

What is perfection though?
A perfect body is one without flaw.

Beauty. Beautiful. Pretty. Skinny. Tan...

Societal paramemters...not biblical.

Which is more important to you? The 100 years on earth trying to look perfect, or the infinitive years in heaven living the ultimate perfection?

Can ya'll visualize the picture I'm trying to draw for you?

Jesus was PERFECT.
NO ONE else was.

He LOVED the imperfect. ADORED the blatantly flawed. And is actively seeking to LOVE on YOUR crazy imperfections.

The ONLY standards that I plan on living up to are God's.

"For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standards" Romans 3:23

And its ok. I know that I will never compare to the perfect, flawless image that Jesus set forth. But I DO know that He is the only standard I need to live by.
Not my neighbor. Not a magazine.
Not a movie.

Just Jesus.

So, forgive me for taking some time to just soak it all in. I have been given the task of raising these 3 little boys to live authentically. I can't do that-  if I'm not.

I pray that you, too, find some peace and balance of intentional living. God is ALWAYS right here with us. It's crazy that I forget that sometimes. He is as close as saying, " I need you right now." He is here.

I plan to be back to a normal publishing schedule this week. Get ready for an all new super amazing Favorite Things list on Sunday!

Please. Take time for YOU. Get to know your God.  Don't stress over unimportant  things. Use your gifts. Help those in need and remember that the ONLY standard worth working towards  is the one set forth by THE ONE.

{beBlessed } and Have a GREAT day!