Dear David,
It's been a long 11 days. I haven't visited you since Easter. I don't have a concrete answer why...except that life just got in the way.
David, I see so much of me in you. I don't feel worthy to possess the same traits as the greatest ruler of Israel. But, I guess there's a bit of you in all of us.
God used you in remarkable ways. You didn't know it then, but your trials and your tribulations have gone on to bless generation upon generation. For your faith and trust in the Lord kept you safe- no matter what level of adversity was thrown your way or how many people were determined to kill you. You trusted. You prayed. You had faith.
It's been a rough week. A diagnosis of adrenal fatigue, packing for our trip to Pennsylvania, church council, being away from the younger 2 boys, planning for the beginning of a new drama ministry production, planning for a {beBlessed} retreat, raising 3 energetic and loving boys, trying to keep a marriage pleasant, cooking, cleaning, schooling, ALL started to weigh heavily on my heart.
I didn't want to pray. I didn't want to give thanks. I didn't want to even get out of bed. But then, my heart directed my mind to think of you. Hidden away in a cave, avoiding Saul and his armies, PRAYING that you would not die. THANKING the Lord for His Blessings and forging ahead.
I know that you KNEW that you were the anointed King, but by your faith alone, you believed that you would make it to the throne.
I needed to get up, give thanks for my blessings and pray for His help.
You, David, allowed the Lord to be around you. All the time. I needed to follow your lead.
I am someone who tends to block out everyone when things aren't going great. I don't want anyone's help. "I've got it and "I'll make it work", have become statements that are frequent in my daily rhetoric. BUT...why in the world was I blocking out GOD? Why would I think that the One who created me, who loves me unconditionally wouldn't want to help me?
I was raised to believe that you only prayed to honor (rote prayers) or to beg for help or forgiveness when things were not going well. But you, David, have taught me to pray all the time. That my relationship with the Lord is just that...A relationship. He WANTS to hear from me. HE WANTS to help me...All the time. Not JUST when things are in dire straights...BUT ALL of the time.
You wrote it best, David, in Psalm 54
Vindicate me by your mighty strength and power.
God is my helper and ally.
For he has delivered me out of every trouble."
Thank you, David. Thank you for reminding me to ALWAYS look to the Lord.
{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day.