Apple just around the Riverbend
A New School just around the Riverbend
Fall...Pumpkin Spice Lattes...cooler weather, Halloween...Thanksgiving...NEW AND IMPROVED blog organization...JUST around the Riverbend. 
"What I love most about rivers is, you can't step in the same river twice...the water's always changing always flowing..."
I LOVE this song- and I LOVE it's message. NOTHING ever stays the SAME.
Change is tough. It doesn't matter if is a "Life Changing" event or if it is as basic as changing your socks. The "same" is going to be "different". The "comfortable" is going to become "uncomfortable" and the "old" will become the "new".
Any way you put it...Change is Change.
It is in our human nature to gravitate to what is familiar. To what makes us happy. To what makes us content, comfortable and SAFE.
God didn't create us to live a stagnant life. He created us to go out, be fruitful, share His love, His will, His word and His son.
As taught to us in Hebrews 11:8
"It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land. [The Land] that God would give to him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going."
He had FAITH.
I have been called to so much change lately. Some I have embraced and am looking forward to. Some I am dreading and have such an uncertain heart towards. What I HAVE embraced about it, though, is that God never sends us out into the world alone. That HE is ALWAYS with us. We must always have FAITH.
I Know, I know, I haven't been posting regularly…I have been BUSY. The end of summer is always a HOTTT mEss…but
it is a beautiful mess with bunches of children. ;-)
As the Farmer and I get used to some changes ...along with our little tribe-
I promise, that I will be back to regular posting VERY
soon. I have some NEW and FUN tidbits
that I have been working on…as well as some new sponsorships! SO…sit tight,
enjoy the last week of August and I will see you ALL on September 1st!
{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!
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