Happy October 1st!
Without further ado...here are my OCTOBER favorite things!
Orange goodness I love this color
Pumpkin Spice is there ANYTHING that tastes better than pumpkin spice?
Candy Corn why not ingest artificially colored blobs of pure sugar?
My Philip's birthday! What a celebration it is each year. I ADORE all of my children, but this birth story has a bit of a twist. Look for a future post. ;-)
Apples in abundance
calm it is SO nice when all of the tourists go away.
crisp night air
mudlove These bracelets are so awesome. I have been wearing my "act justly" bracelet for a bout a year now, It looks as good as it did the day I got it AND they have a bunch of new workds, verses and customization options. Check them out! www.mudlove.com
Very Best Supply Company hi-lighting pencils- I use them for everything, but they are SUPER great for Bible hi-lighting.
tall boots...need I say more?
Giant Gorgeous Mums
Costumes...the countdown has begun.
Thieves oil blend fight the flu the NATURAL WAY! (YoungLiving #1401485)
dark nail polish...YEAH DADDY!

Community: I can not express the importance of this word. Of this concept. we were created to live and thrive together. There is no greater joy than participating and building a community of and for Christ.
Converse: always have been and always will be a Chuck Taylor fashionista
Thrive Moms- Warrior retreat 11/8/14- it's free. Register now. www.thrivemoms.com
Check out the marketplace on the website as well!
The Story of Marriage by John and Lisa Bevere I had the PLEASURE of meeting Lisa at a Women of Faith event last month. She is one fierce Mama and her testimony is just as intense. This book, written by her AND her husband takes a new and improved approach to creating, maintaining and sustaining a Good, Biblical and Happy marriage. get it. read it. love it.
LOGOS Bible software i am obsessed. seriously- OB-SESSED. {donations accepted so that I can purchase my OWN access to this amazing program :-) }
Guilty Television Do I need to elaborate? With October comes the season premiers of just about...EVERYTHING. I don't watch much television, but when I do...it's good stuff. Am I willing to admit WHAT I watch? nope! :-)
Farm Bureau I can not advocate enough for this amazing organization. Our county annual meeting is at the end of this month. If you are a member and live in Wayne County, PLEASE join us on October 25th. If you are not a member...JOIN. (email me for details)
Papermate inkjoy pens I LOVE fun colored pens.
Xyron Sticker maker ya'll this thing is riDICULOUS!
Erin Condren Planner NO ONE has come close to the amazement of the EC planner. I am on my 4th one! I can't believe that I have FINALLY found an organization system that #1-works, and #2- I haven't gotten bored of!
fall decorations
$5 couches YES, you read that correctly. Long story short: put a reserve on your stuff if you don't want the auctioneer to sell it for 5 bucks! (Cute baby is worth WAY more!)
Coconut Nectar This is a new sweetener option for me. All natural- a bit sweeter than honey, thinner than honey - more like the texture of maple syrup. I have used it on pancakes, on oatmeal, in tea and whenmaking granola bars.
Tazo decaf chai latte in a box
"meet me at Starbucks" movie go to youtube, search "meet me at Starbucks", watch it, love it.
apple pie need I say more?
Starbucks soy Chai tea latte with 2 pumps of pumpkin spice 2 pumps of vanilla order it just like this. you WILL thank me.
{beBlessed} and have a GREAT month!
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