I couldn't enter into the month of November, without my blog theme centering around some form of being thankful. We ALL have SO much to be thankful for. If you are reading this- you:
#1 know HOW to read
#2 have access to a computer or smart phone
#3 have internet access
You also, most likely, have running water, an indoor plumbing, a car, a home with heat, clothing, possibly designer clothing, an education, ... and my list could continue.
If you live in the US, you have freedoms that others can only DREAM about! [Shout out to my readers in Germany, France, Canada, and Australia...you are blessed with many liberties, as well]
The reality is, though, there are more people living "without" than we think.
We can't escape the news media. We can SEE and HEAR the terrible things that are happening in countries that don't have the freedoms that we do.
We see commercials with starving children, who don't know when they are going to get their first meal.
There are families right HERE in our country, who have lost their homes, lost their jobs, lost their families, lost EVERYTHING.
We, by showing true GRATITUDE for what we HAVE...can ultimately bless someone else.
Yes. you read that correctly. If WE, express our pure GRATITUDE to our Lord, giving thanks for all that we HAVE, We have the ability to BLESS others.
You see, showing gratitude, or giving thanks, or being thankful, or saying thank-you is SO much more than a quick action.
Saying "thank you" is an action. A verb. Something that is done quickly. When I wake up in the morning, I open my journal to do my devotions and I write out all of the things that I am thankful for-all of my blessings. Then, I close my journal and go about my day.
Saying thank you is the first step to expressing gratitude, but it is not the ONLY step.
Gratitude, as defined in the Webster's dictionary, is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
the QUALITY of being thankful, the READINESS to SHOW appreciation for and to return KINDNESS.
What is my definition of gratitude?
GRATITUDE: The readiness and ability to show kindness to all of God's creation. To demonstrate a quality of life through the appreciation of others' actions and their NEEDS.
You see, we can not truly express gratitude by simply saying "thanks for helping me." We don't show REAL gratitude for this life, until we are able to say, "Hey, is there anything that I can help YOU with?"
Hebrews 12:28 28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,
Psalm 96: 1-3
1 Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
3 Declare his glory among the nations,
1 Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
3 Declare his glory among the nations,
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
3 Declare his glory among the nations,
Matthew 20:28 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Ephesians 6:7 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.
If we are truly expressing our thanks to our Lord, we must also then SERVE Him in the ways in which he instructed us to do so. He tells us to go out, share the gospel, share the truth, share the life of Christ.

Let us all take this month of November. Make sure that we offer our thanks to the Lord for ALL of our blessings. But, also, let us go out and SERVE. What can YOU do to share the love of Christ? What does YOUR service look like? Do you have the heart for street ministry? Do you have an extra hour each week to sit at the nursing home and read from the Word? Do you have a voice to share music? Do you have the means to bless a family with winter coats? Do you have the means to travel to another continent and care for the sick and hungry? What ever YOUR abilities are, use them to SERVE. Not only our Lord, but EACH OTHER.
I think that we have A LOT to be thankful for. Amen?
{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!
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