Monday, April 27, 2015

Breaking the ties that bind facebook

I am one week sober.
I feel amazing.
I feel...FREE.

I'm not talking about  booze, I haven't had a drink in MANY years. I am talking about kicking the Facebook habit.

I haven't deleted my account...but I have deleted the app from my phone, deleted messenger, and deleted all "linking" media.

I havent sworn off all social media though. Here's why. Other social media outlets, such as instagram, pinterest and even twitter. (Yes, I now have a twitterpater!!!) Allow ME to be in control. But not in a rude way.
Let me explain by elaborating on all of the things that were bothersome to me about Facebook.

*If I was your friend in kindergarten (35 years ago) and I didn't accept your friend request and then  I saw you in Wal Mart and you confronted me as to why... I had to give you an answer.

*If I had been your friend in college and we interact online and I saw you at the mall and you blatantly ignored me. ..I question my self worth.

* If I update my status with biblical truth and words of wisdom that I choose to live my life by...and raise my children by...and then YOU publicly attack me (on "my" Facebook page ) regarding my beliefs...

*I feel bad if I delete you...especially if I see you on a daily basis (in real life)

*if I post a photo of my children (so out of town family can see their adorable antics) it isn't an open invitation to screenshot and share my photo on your own page. Or question my parenting skills...publicly.

...I could continue. But I wont.

I became enslaved to the perfect picture. To the bullying. To the attempt to seem "friendly" with someone I don't really connect with.


I needed to be social with who I wanted to be social with.

Why are Instagram and twitter so different?
SO much more control.
I control the WHO and the WHAT.
95% percent of my Instagram pals are Christian Mommy Bloggers. Throw in a few authors, speakers and artists and I am surrounded by like minded, safe, real people who are doing life the same way that I am.

Twitterpater is all about the pastors and wxxi...for reals.

And pinterest...shoot. I don't personally know ANY of the people I follow. I just like their Chai tea lattes in a blender, their living room curtains and their garden trellises made from cheese.

This past week...

Know what? I don't have my nose buried in my phone writing status updates. On my tablet reading status updates.

I have my nose buried in the bible, in the music on my piano  and in my children's necks.

I am doing life...and then tweeting about it. Not creating a "status" and living up to the creation.

Wanna feel as free as a baby with no diaper?... (cuz that's what's happening in my world as I write this)

Take a break from facebook. You will find your REAL friends again.

{beBlessed} and have  a GREAT day!

p.s. hash tags are super fun.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sister. Amen. I went on FB hiatus at the beginning of spring and have no doubt that it was the right choice for me. Though it might seem an inconsequential change, removing FB from my world was profound and I continue to marvel at the impacts. I feel a freedom that I wasn't even aware I had lost, my anxiety has decreased, and, most importantly, I rediscovered the art of being fully present, aware, and engaged in the act of living. How beautiful is that?
