September favorite things
I am sure
that you all will pick up on a couple common themes this month. We are going
through a bit of transition. But…it is
glorious, and new and we have embraced it. Whether we like it or not…we are thrust in the face of change every 3 months or so (Well…in Rochester, NY it is
often 6 months or so…J ) Happy Fall.
Cooler weather (HA! )
Women of Faith-
Best conference YET!
Patsy Clairmont-
Not only is this little bundle of fire an inspiration to myself and millions of
women all over the world…I finally got to meet her!!!
Let’s All Be Brave by, Annie F. Downs- Get it. Read it. Love it.
God’s Grace
God’s Mercy
Joyce Meyer 365 Devotionals. There are MANY to choose from. I am currently working through ‘Love Out Loud’ If you have the YouVersion Bible app- you can choose from all of her devotionals for FREE on your phone!
My nieces and a
GLORIOUS weekend of little girl love.

Veggie Tales. Need
I say more?
The Best Yes
by, Lysa Terkheurst- Get it. Read
it. Love it. If you want to join the
study I am leading….send me a message.
Papermate Flair pens.
Is there ANY other writing utensil?
Sally Hansen Miracle
Gel - Just when I thought that
getting my own light to do my own gel nails was enough…good ol’ Sally launches
a new product. No light. 2 coats. Stays for 2 weeks AND comes off with regular
ol’ nail polish remover! No soaking in
acetone! No scraping! Just a goold ol’
cottom ball. EPIC. Game changer.
Labor Day
Apples! (it’s
early, but they are looking BEAUTIFUL)
Farmers Markets
My gift of
creativity. Thanks, God.
The Bible
My Faith in God’s
Word and teaching
The realization that
I don’t NEED to fit a mold. - I
lived years 1-18 “needing” to fit a mold. “needing” to fit in. “needing” to be
popular. “needing” the approval of
others. Then, I lived years 19-30 LIVING. I didn’t care what other people
thought of me. I didn’t care that my
parents probably wouldn’t “approve” of my “look” or how I chose to live my
THEN, I turned 30- I had the Dude. My body changed.
My career changed. My friends changed. My EVERYTHING changed. And, know
what….my THOUGHTS changed. Back to my OLD way of wanting approval from any and all
outside sources. A few weeks ago, though, when I
REALLY hunkered down and went to battle with my brain, I declared freedom from the
“outside”. I have 3 little hearts to raise in one image alone. Jesus’. How
could I do that authentically while I was striving to live in the image of
society? The good Lord gave me all that
I need to live a happy life. I am going to be ME. Different. Special. Creative. Glorious.
Loving. Devoted. Mama. ME. Amen.
GraceYingling Jewelry
on Etsy
Coco and Juan on Etsy
Sarah Clemens
Clothing on Etsy
Beauty Batik Boutique
New Beginnings
Lisa Bevere- I listened to her speak at W of F and am
still thinking about her message.
Christine Caine-
Again, listened to her speak and her message has not only resonated daily, it
encouraged me…and my family…to follow God’s call and make a change that we were
scared to make.
Muppets Most Wanted-
pure awesomeness.
Mom’s Night Out- best movie I have seen in years. I laughed…A LOT. I cried…A LOT. I LOVED it.
Sulferzyme- Young Living has supplements too! Member number 1401485
Community- not
just in the neighborhood sense. A REAL community. [CHALLENGE: look up the
definition and write out what you want community mean to you.]
Tall boots.
- soon.
I have faith.
My dad. His
birthday is on the 21st. Wish
him happy birthday…and happy retirement. J
The stars
Friendly faces
New friends
Old friends
My 3 boys. – such
joy…such deep, pure, palpable J-O-Y.
My husband. My
partner. My Love.
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