Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Alphabet soup: God speaks to us in many different ways.

What a month! The Farmer is waist deep into the midst of apple harvest and it is glorious and exhausting and beautiful and ugly all in the same breath!
Isn’t that what life is-  Beautiful and ugly at the same time?  As I sit here writing this, my beautiful boys and our bundle of fluffy love are all piled on the couch in the classroom working through ‘Hooked on Spanish’ ! They are beautiful, energetic and FUNNY! (How can 3 boys learning to speak Spanish NOT be funny?) Yet, as my boys are bringing me such Joy and Happiness and Beauty…the World is a HOT MESS!
There is SO much UGLY out there.
BUT…I don’t want to talk about the UGLY…I don’t want to glorify the evil with words.  I want to SPEAK LIFE!
“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:11
Just as Isaiah prophesied thousands of years ago, the Lord says that if we send out words of love and encouragement, these words will produce fruit and they will prosper us everywhere.
So, my question is; Why don’t we always Speak Life?  Why do I have to “challenge” myself to make it happen?  What was I doing wrong that needed to be changed? 
I prayed on this…this entire month. Daily, asking; “Lord, can you show me the reason why I get so nasty with some people?  Can you show me why I use my words to hurt others instead of glorifying Your name?” And, last night, He did. The following verse appeared on my instagram feed:
“If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging.  If it is giving, give generously, if God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously.  And, if you have a gift of showing kindness to others, do it gladly.”   Romans 12:8
I am blessed to have an overwhelming feeling of the Holy Spirit’s presence when He is speaking to me. I knew that I was to pay attention to what He was saying with this verse. I grabbed my bible and decided to read through Romans. Chapter 12 verse 2 says:
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

There it was. It wasn't as clear as Him spelling it out in a bowl of my favorite soup...but it was THERE.
I knew, deep down, I was more concerned with the ways of the world, versus the way of the Lord.  It is a daily struggle…and it is a HARD one.  But, Jesus died on the cross to redeem us from our worldly mishaps. From our mistakes.  From our choices. From our SINS.
All that He asked in return was to follow His one commandment. I don’t mean that Jesus doesn’t’ care if we break any of the “original” commandments…because He does, A LOT.  But, as my Pastor made clear a few weeks ago, Jesus threw us a “game changer”.   Of course He wants us to honor His Father, honor our earthly fathers and mothers, abstain from stealing and adultery and covetous behavior…BUT, He, simply, wants us to LOVE.  
“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other.  Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  Your love for one ANOTHER will PROVE to the world that you are MY disciples.” John 13:34-35 (NLT; with my personal emphasis added)
Love. It isn’t hard to do, yet it is REALLY hard to do. Jesus tells us that the world will KNOW that we are His disciples if we simply- LOVE.

So bringing it all together:
If I let God transform me, by changing the way in which I think. If I love everyone the way that my Savior commands me to, and if I Speak this Life and Truth and Love by encouraging and giving and leading others to the Lord…then I can, through Faith, bring Life into existence and raise up my armor to defeat the enemy.

What now?  Well, my monthly challenge to Speak Life is now a lifetime goal.  I hope and pray that I can truly use my words to bring life and love to all that they touch. In times of hurt and frustration, it will truly be hard to do. I am going to slip up.  I am going to get frustrated and use words to be nasty and make others feel badly.  I know that I will. But, that is why Jesus died for me. He died so that my sins could be forgiven.  And, if it happens, I know that I will ask for forgiveness and start over again.
Tomorrow, is October 1st! (seriously, where has the year gone?) Be sure to check back here tomorrow for MY FAVORITE THINGS list!!! I have some super awesome finds for you!
I have also decided to declare the month of October, which happens to be my FAVORITE month of the year, the month to celebrate SEASONS. You can read more on this theme later in the week, as I will break it all down for you.
Enjoy the last day of September, enjoy this crazy heat and sunshine, enjoy the beauty of the earth, enjoy the beauty of our families, enjoy His word and don’t forget  to SPEAK LIFE!

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Ya’ll-  I just quit a support group. Yup.  You read that correctly.  Straight up quit.  I emailed the mediator, asking her to please remove me from all future mailings and meet-up invitations and didn’t give a reason.
My reason? Hmm. Well- if I had given a reason, well, I guess it probably would have been more fuel for the fire. MY reason for quitting is crazy.  It is absurd.  It is really awkward to describe.  My reason for quitting, is because the community that I had hoped to find within this group was not a community AT ALL.  There was NO hand-holding-bonding-love like the picture up there. 
Yes, It’s title was “Christian Homeschool Mom’s of XYZ”  [I won’t call them out…I will respect them in this realm]…but this title was NOT all encompassing.  These ladies were:
2.Home schooling their children...CHECK
3.Christian…NOT SO SURE

Let’s rewind a few days.
A Mommy-lady posted a question to the group’s online forum :
“How many of you allow your children to wear costumes and dance with the devil?”
…I, obviously, knew that she was referring to Halloween, and truly thought that she was being humorous…maybe a bit sarcastic. {“have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?” – Jack Nicholson as the Joker in the BEST version of Batman} I kind of chuckled at it, actually.
WELL…what began after that question, was U-G-L-Y.
Every single Mother who innocently answered the initial question was returned with:
·        What denomination are you?
·         Do you realize the history of this “ritual”?
·         Do you really believe in Jesus? (seriously?)
·         Do you know that you are going to go to Hell? (WOW…seriously?)
I, abstained, from partaking in this bullying of women BY women who proclaim to be “Christian Women”. [AND IT TOOK RESTRAINT TO DO THAT]
Over the next few days, the topic of conversation was not that of actual SCHOOLING our children, or CURRICULUM, but turned into who was which denomination, and then which denomination was the REAL Christianity etc… It was U_G_L_Y!
I didn’t even want to let me heart get involved in such negativity and evil…that was supposedly spoken in the name of our Lord? [Again, I know, I know, I could have taken this as an opportunity to speak  some truth and spread some love…but honestly, the “instigator” Mommy-Lady  scared me and I didn’t want to get involved]
So…I let things go.
WELL.  Last night, I fell asleep with all of my babies on my bed, after their bath and reading bunches and bunches of books. {my FAVORITE way to fall asleep}  My poor husband slept in the spare bed, as my little tribe and I lay sprawled across our bed.  I woke up at around 3am, and went to find my dear husband who was sound asleep. I, however, couldn’t fall back to sleep.  My mind was racing and amidst my thoughts of harvest, which apples I needed to replenish on the stand, how I wanted to tackle making my Bubby’s Shark-Boy costume, and then…this horrible feeling of missed opportunity to minister and guide some {obviously} hurting ladies- came over me. I could have helped them. I could have tried to deflect the negative and bring it back to Jesus. But, I didn’t. I quit instead. I let FEAR take over.
But…I’m going to take the opportunity, now, to say what I would have said.
Jesus Loves EVERYONE.
Jesus is the ONLY way into heaven.
NO human could EVER condemn ANYONE to hell.
Christianity has many facets. It has many denominations.
Similar to the worlds languages (which the LORD created when he forbid the Tower of Babel to be built), as Christianity has spread and grown and changed and reformed and gone back to its most primitive, original form.- There are MANY differences in the practices and daily walk of all Christians.
I guarantee that my walk with Jesus is different than yours, is different than the family I sit next to in worship on Sunday, heck, I GUARANTEE that my walk is different, yet, to my husbands! That is why we are all individuals! God gave us ALL free will…BUT, with that- He gave us the tools necessary to survive this crazy ride called life, and ALSO gave us the KEY to unlock the door to His kingdom. How we choose to navigate the route to the Kingdom gates is ours and OURS alone.  NO ONE, human or not, other than the Great God Almighty,  our Lord Jesus Christ or the Spirit can condemn ANYONE. We, as a people, need to STOP DOING IT!
I have said over and over again, this month, that I am going to SPEAK LIFE!!!
Maybe that is why I held my tongue when this all went down?  They say that once you do something 14 times in a row it becomes habit. Today is the 23rd, that means that for the last 23 days I have not spoken ill of, nasty to, and prayed for my adversaries.

 I pray that we, as Christians-
-Whether we are Non-Denominational, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian,Catholic, Assembly of God, Messianic Christians,  7th Day Adventists etc.
- whether we are blue, green, purple or red
- whether we are married, divorced, single or widowed
- whether we have children or not- whether we attend worship as part of a church family, or if we worship alone with a bible in our bedroom.
WE must love one another as HE LOVES US! 
We need to stop judging each other by who is a “Better” Christian. Who practices the correct holidays.  Who gives more money to what charity.  Who does better mission work. Who loves Jesus more.  It is not OUR call. It is not OUR job.  It isn’t remotely in our job description here as an earth dweller.  GOD is the judge.
We need to  work on becoming a peaceful union to GROW our church.  
WE are the CHURCH. 
It’s not a building.  It’s not a denomination. It’s not a pastor. WE, as Christians, are the church. Things in the world are getting ugly. The end times are near. It may not be in our lifetime, it may not be in our kids’ lifetime, but MAN, don’t you want to make the CHURCH stronger for our future?
 For our grandchildren? 
For our great- grandchildren. 
For ourselves?
Speak Life.
Support each other. Love one another. GROW our CHURCH!

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

"And greater is the One living inside of me than he who is living in the world."-Mercy Me

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Pleasingly plump

The first time I remember being called fat was in 1st grade. My teacher, Mrs. Nicholson, heard the entire altercation and when it was all over and I was feeling pretty crummy she called me over to her desk and told me that when I got home to run around my yard 25 times and do that every day and I wouldn't be fat anymore.
...and I did.
But....I was.


In 3rd grade, I punched a boy right square in the nose for mooing at me. I had a pretty cool teacher that year so, I didn't get into as much trouble as I should have,  she empathized with me and didn't make a huge deal out of what I


In 4th grade, we took a field trip to Albany. We got to ride the train and stay over night and it was a HUGE event. On the train, the boys all sat together in a section where the seats faced each other. They were ranking the girls (yes at age 9) by how they looked. [I was sitting in the row behind them.] I heard them list off all of my friends and lastly, they added me, noting, "but she is really fat."


It didn't stop in 4th grade...it actually got progressively worse...but I got progressively thinner and thinner.

7th and 8th grade were brutal...but that is to be expected.
In high school I was a 3 sport athlete, dancer and rode my bicycle everywhere I wanted to go because we loved outside of town. I quickly transformed from fat girl to a perfect size 4. Seriously.  Naturally. Without crazy dieting. I had simply...grown up. Here's the catch though. My body was DIFFERENT from my friends. You know how some girls are twiggy and don't quite "fill out" until they are in their late teens? Those were my friends. I had hips....I had boobs and I looked like a 'woman'.
Know what though? I was still called fat.

In 9th grade, my grandmother bought me this BEAUTIFUL 2 piece swim suit. It was high waisted navy blue with white piping.  Picture Annette Funicello in Back to the Beach- gorgeous.  I wore it once. Was laughed at, called a cow and I never.wore.it.again.


In 10th grade, I began to lift weights. I was a soccer player and figured out that if I lifted, my penalty kicks had some seriously legit power.  And as I lifted more...I was able to do some CRAZY AWESOME tap tricks in dance class, as well..so lifting was something I loved to do.
When you build muscle. ..you what? 

I had strep throat before my sophomor year musical. I needed to get some antibiotics in me quickly so that I could sing and dance my way to the Worlds Fair! At the doctors office that day, at 15 years old, I was wearing size 6 GAP jeans and  size medium express t-shirt. (Yes.  I remember. You would too)
I sat on the table, waiting for Nurse Eleanor to swab my throat. (She was awesome...I loved that lady, God rest her soul)
Well. Eleanor wasn't there that day and the doc came in, instead.  (Who also happened to be my boyfriends dad...I know- Weird small town logistics)
He swabbed my throat. Put it in the gooey stuff. Sat on his rolley stool and turned to my mom. And said, " according to my charts,  at 5'4" and 158 lbs, Danielle has crossed in to the OBESE category on my chart. We need to get her on a diet. "

[Seriously, just typing that just made my stomach sink and I feel like I've been shot]

There was no questioning of that information. There was no discussion of body type and muscle mass. The government made the chart and what the government says, goes. Done deal.


That moment. Those words. Started a domino effect [ that is STILL traveling quickly,  tipping over the next little white rectangle in its path.]

1. My.mother promptly monitored every.single.calorie. that I put in my body.  Still does. Don't think it will EVER stop.
2. I became SO self concious, that I became EXTREMELY unhealthy in the 10+ years that were to follow.  (Especially with a career ON STAGE)
3. I broke up with the doctor's son boy. I REALLY liked him too...but I couldn't stand the "obvious truth" that his dad had gone home and trash talked me (like everyone else had my whole life) to him. Doc never said anything to him,  it was all in my head. But, I hurt the boy...because I was hurting.
4. I, at 36 years, old can tell you the EXACT moment, when words DESTROYED my self worth. My willingness to Look at myself as ANYTHING but flawed.


In college my weight would fluctuate drastically.  I learned from my dance teacher in college that if I drank coffee all day, smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and took dexatrim....I could maintain an "acceptable" performance physique.  

At that time,  I had another boyfriend.  We were together for almost 6 years. We had big plans.  Until...
I quit the smoking, coffee, dexatrim diet and I plumped up a bit. He left me so quickly my head started to spin. He took a liking to my barbie doll best friend instead and married her. OBVIOUSLY he was super flawed and God wanted that to happen.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!

That was the final straw. That was it. My entire being was defined by my size.

Words. Numbers.

I spent the rest of my 20's...well almost the rest ... yo-yoing up and down with every single fad diet that came out. Atkins, SouthBeach, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig. All of em. They all worked for as long as I could handle (or afford) to be on them. ..but as I would stop them,  I would plump right up again.

Flash forward to my amazing husband.  When we got married...I was a size 16.  Since that day, we have been blessed with 4 pregnancies and 3 beautiful children here on earth with us.

Guess what? I'm not a size 16 any more.  Guess what else...I have a disease with my adrenal glands (probably from all the years of abuse) I am pretty much going to BE fat forever.


1 word that has been thrown at me my entire life. FAT. However,  I will NOT let this word define me anymore. I will NOT let others try to CHANGE ME, or define my self worth anymore. Know why? Because God loves me. God doesn't make mistakes. He made me in HIS image.  It can't be bad.  He made people different...for a REASON.
Who are YOU to judge?
Who are YOU to try and change someone? Who are YOU to say that something that our great and powerful GOD, made the way that He did, isn't GOOD ENOUGH?

Not a mean boy in elementary school.
Not a mean girl in middle school.
Not a silly doctor in high school.
Not a superficial boyfriend in college.
Not SOCIETY. NO ONE should be given that much power.

Words hurt. As much as this message was cleansing for me. As much as it was meant to be an encouragement to girls who are suffering through the same hurts that I did.   This message was meant to demonstrate how POWERFUL WORDS ARE.

Speak life. 

Photos are in order: 1st grade through present day. Musical photo of me in pink dress was taken the same week as the doctor visit.
{BeBlessed} and have a GREAT DAY!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Would Jesus speak like that?

Would Jesus speak like that?

I find myself saying this phrase to my 6 year old daily…sometimes many times daily…I actually just said it now- as I am writing this.  There are moments, when out of frustration with his brothers, he gets this growl to his tone and it just sounds horrible.  I know that he doesn’t mean to be malicious…but he is just trying to get them to LISTEN to him, by HEARING his voice differently.
Speak Life.
Proverbs 18 tells us in verse 21; “The tongue can bring death or life”. 
Is this true to you?
Speak Life.
I wrote a song on Saturday. Don’t chuckle. I did. I haven’t sat down at the piano in a LONG time and it’s crazy…it just came out of me.  [ don’t expect an album release party any time soon…]But as I sat and played, I began to sing…these are some of the lyrics:
Speak Life
Speak Love
Speak Blessings from our Savior up above
Speak your heart; the truth every day
Jesus sacrificed his life to show us the right way.
Speak Life.

Love each other
We’ve got to Love the World
Share the Lord’s great Blessings
The only way that Jesus would
Speak Life.
…and I just kept going..., I know!  Crazy, huh?
My theme though was what?  SPEAK LIFE
It has obviously been on my mind.  I declared my goal for the month of September to be that of Speaking Life and Love over all that I encounter. If any of you are my facebook friends, you know that I had a ROUGH 1st week of September. Oooooh….the enemy was a testing me! But, when it would have been so easy to blow up and scream and be ugly and use my words to achieve ugly results.  I paused, offered those ugly thoughts up to Jesus and spoke LIFE.

We ALL walk this life with baggage. NO ONE can say that they don’t have any.  Life is a destination. Always moving, always traveling towards our kingdom home. Would you go on vacation without packing a suitcase?  AT LEAST a clean pair of undies and a toothbrush, right?  AND…you wouldn't go to Disney World without bringing home a new Mickey Mouse, would you?    So, your “life’s baggage” is full of things that you have brought with you as well as things that you have picked up along the way. Are you picturing this now? ( my suitcase has like 10,000 Mickey Mouse’s, whoa)
 Alright….any hurt, any disappointment, any loss and any heartache that you have EVER experienced is there in your suitcase-  Along with every joy, blessing, accomplishment and love that you have EVER experienced.  YOU have the ability to UNPACK what you want, at any point or destination on your journey. YOU have to be in control of your suitcase.
 If we are met with adversity on our path…we are inclined to just open up our suitcase and throw whatever we grab first at the enemy. Right? So if we have our unpleasant souvenirs packed on top…we throw what? Are you following me?
It’s fine to travel this life with these hurts packed in our valises.  We just need to pack the super awesome souvenirs on TOP of the not so great baggage.  That way, when the enemy comes…we open up our suitcase and throw LOVE at him, COMPASSION at him, the WORD at him.  He will go away MUCH quicker and learn to leave you alone. Amen?

Why are we, as human’s, so inclined to throw negative at the negative?  I am HORRIBLE with this.  I chuck such nastiness sometimes, that I scare myself.
 I know a few of you that are just beautiful , amazing people that accept the amazing souvenirs from the Cross and are throwing these gifts at the enemy every day and are already Speaking Life over  everything…I KNOW that so many of you are living like this. I ENVY you.
That is an UGLY word ,too. Envy.  That only comes to fruition when the enemy is present.  Proverbs 14 tells us that “envy rots the bones!” and it DOES. I need to SPEAK LIFE.

So, here is my new mantra.  “Would Jesus, Speak like that?” I need to ask MYSELF this question too?  Not just my kiddos. They LISTEN.  They LEARN.  They REPEAT.
I speak with that scary growl. I do it when I am upset. I do it when I unpack my suitcase and fling the first thing I grab at my enemy. My kiddos learn this from me.
 I need to pack my hurts down deeper in my bag and bring the beauty of Life, my children, my Joy and about 10,000 Mickey Mouse stuffies to the top of my suitcase.  The enemy could NEVER stand up to Mickey Mouse.

Speak life. 

[beBlessed} and have  GREAT day!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Cream Colored Ponies and Crisp Apple Streudle..

September favorite things
I am sure that you all will pick up on a couple common themes this month. We are going through a bit of transition.  But…it is glorious, and new and we have embraced it. Whether we like it or not…we are thrust in the face of change every 3 months or so (Well…in Rochester, NY it is often 6 months or so…J ) Happy Fall.
Cooler weather   (HA! )
Women of Faith- Best conference YET!
Patsy Clairmont- Not only is this little bundle of fire an inspiration to myself and millions of women all over the world…I finally got to meet her!!!
Let’s All Be Brave  by, Annie F. Downs-  Get it. Read it. Love it.
God’s Grace
God’s Mercy
Joyce Meyer 365 Devotionals.  There are MANY to choose from.  I am currently working through ‘Love Out Loud’  If you have the YouVersion Bible app- you can choose from all of her devotionals  for FREE on your phone!

My nieces and a GLORIOUS weekend of little girl love.
Veggie Tales. Need I say more?
The Best Yes  by, Lysa Terkheurst- Get it. Read it. Love it.  If you want to join the study I am leading….send me a message.
Papermate Flair pens. Is there ANY other writing utensil?
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel -  Just when I thought that getting my own light to do my own gel nails was enough…good ol’ Sally launches a new product. No light. 2 coats. Stays for 2 weeks AND comes off with regular ol’ nail polish remover!  No soaking in acetone! No scraping!  Just a goold ol’ cottom ball.  EPIC. Game changer.
Labor Day
Apples! (it’s early, but they are looking BEAUTIFUL)
Farmers Markets
My gift of creativity.  Thanks, God.
The Bible
My Faith in God’s Word and teaching
The realization that I don’t NEED to fit a mold. -  I lived years 1-18 “needing” to fit a mold. “needing” to fit in. “needing” to be popular.  “needing” the approval of others. Then, I lived years 19-30 LIVING. I didn’t care what other people thought of me.  I didn’t care that my parents probably wouldn’t “approve” of my “look” or how I chose to live my life. 
THEN, I turned 30- I had the Dude. My body changed.  My career changed. My friends changed. My EVERYTHING changed. And, know what….my THOUGHTS changed. Back to my OLD way of wanting approval from any and all outside sources.  A few weeks ago, though, when I REALLY hunkered down and went to battle with my brain, I declared freedom from the “outside”. I have 3 little hearts to raise in one image alone. Jesus’. How could I do that authentically while I was striving to live in the image of society?  The good Lord gave me all that I need to live a happy life. I am going to be ME.  Different. Special. Creative. Glorious. Loving. Devoted. Mama. ME. Amen.
GraceYingling Jewelry on Etsy
Coco and Juan on Etsy
Sarah Clemens Clothing on Etsy
Beauty Batik Boutique
New Beginnings
Lisa Bevere-  I listened to her speak at W of F and am still thinking about her message.
Christine Caine- Again, listened to her speak and her message has not only resonated daily, it encouraged me…and my family…to follow God’s call and make a change that we were scared to make.
Muppets Most Wanted- pure awesomeness.
Mom’s Night Out-  best movie I have seen in years.  I laughed…A LOT.  I cried…A LOT. I LOVED it.
Sulferzyme-  Young Living has supplements too!  Member  number 1401485
Community- not just in the neighborhood sense. A REAL community. [CHALLENGE: look up the definition and write out what you want community mean to you.]
Tall boots. -  soon.  I have faith.
My dad. His birthday is on the 21st.  Wish him happy birthday…and happy retirement. J
The stars
Friendly faces
New friends
Old friends
My 3 boys. – such joy…such deep, pure, palpable J-O-Y.

My husband. My partner. My Love. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

A little peek into what September will bring...

It is 10:15 pm and I am writing this post on my Galaxy. Cool? Yes. Ideal? No.
My laptop crashed...hard. I had copies to make for tomorrow's lessons and no patience to deal with electronics.
BUT...I didn't want to start September off poorly!  Thus...the smartphone blogger.

I usually begin each month with my favorite things. That beautiful, wonderful, LONG list is perfectly composed and formatted on my computer. ..pictures and all! Hopefully, I will fix whatever ails the silly machine and have that post live by tomorrow afternoon. :-)

So, for tonight, I want to give a sneak peek into my theme for this month.

The month of September is:
National Apple Month. (Tres importante) ;-)

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (Tres TRES importante)

I have been working with the 'Be The Match' organization, raising awareness and recruiting people to register with the organization....Hey! You could save a life! (Contact me via email if you would like to be added to the registry! )

Childhood Cancer sucks. ( well...ALL cancer sucks) "Be The Match" and a registered bone marrow donor could eradicate that sucky cancer from a child's body. This donor could SAVE A LIFE.

Not everyone is a life saving hero. ..I get that. BUT, wouldn't it be awesome if we challenged ourselves to celebrate LIFE, in general,  this month?

So many of my friends are GIVING life.
My husband is in the wings ready to SAVE a life -via marrow donation.
A client of mine is ready to CHANGE her life.
My goal for this month is to SPEAK life.

Every day.

Speak life over my children. My husband. My family.  My friends. You.

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."   Proverbs 18:21

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." 
Isaiah 55:11

Toby Mac has an awesome song titled "Speak Life". This is the chorus:

So speak Life, speak Life.
To the deadest darkest night.
Speak life, speak Life.
When the sun wont shine and you dont know why.
Look into the eyes of the brokenhearted;
Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope,
You speak love, you speak speak speak...
You speak Life,(oh oh oh oh oh oh) You speak Life. (oh oh oh oh oh )

SO...this is ny challenge to YOU. This month...SPEAK LIFE. To everyone you encounter.  Your family, friends, foes and strangers. No matter what the relationship, no matter what the circumstance...SPEAK LIFE.

I won't lie and tell you that in doing this is going to be easy and you are going to feel warm and fuzzy and pink unicorns will carry you off into the sunset. It is going to be HARD. I know that today,  myself, I had ugly thoughts towards someone. U-G-L-Y thoughts.  But...After blurting my frustration...I regrouped my thoughts and prayed for this person.  Asking God to help his heart- and to help me dismiss my negative feelings about him.  (My prayer hasn't been answered yet...but, hey, Rome wasn't built in a day.)

I promise you this. You will get 100% honesty from me throughout my journey this month. And, in carrying out this challenge- I KNOW you will feel closer to God and learn TONS about yourself.

Join me?

{BeBlessed} and have a great night.