Monday, August 25, 2014

Just around the Riverbend....

Apple just around the Riverbend
A New School just around the Riverbend
Fall...Pumpkin Spice Lattes...cooler weather, Halloween...Thanksgiving...NEW AND IMPROVED blog organization...JUST around the Riverbend. Pocahontas Pocahontas

"What I love most about rivers is, you can't step in the same river twice...the water's always changing always flowing..."
I LOVE this song- and I LOVE it's message. NOTHING ever stays the SAME.

Change is tough.  It doesn't matter if is a "Life Changing" event or if it is as basic as changing your socks. The "same" is going to be "different".  The "comfortable" is going to become "uncomfortable" and the "old" will become the "new".
Any way you put it...Change is Change.
It is in our human nature to gravitate to what is familiar.  To what makes us happy.  To what makes us content, comfortable and SAFE.
God didn't create us to live a stagnant life. He created us to go out, be fruitful, share His love, His will, His word and His son.
As taught to us in Hebrews 11:8
"It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land. [The Land] that God would give to him as his inheritance.  He went without knowing where he was going."

He had FAITH.

I have been called to so much change lately.  Some I have embraced and am looking forward to. Some I am dreading and have such an uncertain heart towards. What I HAVE embraced about it, though, is that God never sends us out into the world alone.  That HE is ALWAYS with us.  We must always have FAITH.


I Know, I know, I haven't been posting regularly…I have been BUSY.  The end of summer is always a HOTTT mEss…but it is a beautiful mess with bunches of children. ;-)

As the Farmer and I get used to some changes ...along with our little tribe-

I promise, that I will be back to regular posting VERY soon.  I have some NEW and FUN tidbits that I have been working on…as well as some new sponsorships! SO…sit tight, enjoy the last week of August and I will see you ALL on September 1st!

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The joys of technology and the BLESSINGS of the REAL gifts...

I have a thousand and one posts to catch up on…but I don’t want to thrust them all on you at once! I agree, it has been what seems like ages since my last blog post and the tid-bits and articles waiting in the wings are so fruitful they are piling on top of each other!
We have been “waiting” on an internet service provider switch to occur.  And when I say waiting…I MEAN waiting…and waiting…on the phone…at the brick and mortar “store”…some more on the phone…and today…if everything goes as “scheduled”,  this post will actually find it’s way into cyber space!
I love living where we do; for the beauty and serenity (well…when the tourists aren’t here), but the lack of “services” and the ridiculous expense of above mentioned “services” when they do become available ,make me want to growl.
So, as I am writing this, the “Park Place” of cable and internet service providers are scheduled to activate service at our humble abode today AND, supposedly, it won’t be costing us the college fund of our 3 children. We shall see.
So…where are we on the big road map of life, you ask?  We are roughly 14 days from 1st harvest. Where has the year gone?  As we, (the 4 of us “Farmer fan club” members,) prepare to see less of our patriarch, we can’t help but be excited.  I can’t explain my love for harvest. It is a full season of our lives…each year…where though busy, and crazy, and tiresome, we feel ALIVE! Call me crazy. I know…I kinda am.
Have any of you ever witnessed a complete life cycle of any of God’s gifts? If you have, you KNOW that it abso-freaking-lutely amazing.
As noted in Genesis  1:11, on the third day, God said
“Let the land produce vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”
And it was so.
Look around you. We are so blessed.
In Genesis 1: 29, upon creating Man and Woman, God said,
“I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food”
And He did.
 He has continued to bless us with ALL that we need. From the beginning of time, God has given us everything that we need.  We, more often than not, fall prey to our worldly “needs” instead of caring for, and praying for the heavenly gifts, already given to us- many thousands of years of ago.
Farming is truly doing God’s work.  It is a life’s passion. It takes commitment, perseverance, dedication, blood, sweat, tears, restlessness, hope, and lots of PRAYER.
Friends, would you join us in praying for ALL farmers? They dedicate their lives for your health, wellness and nourishment. Bless them in all that they do to serve you and the Lord.

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Brown paper packages, tied up with strings...AUGUST FAVORITE THINGS!!!

August Favorite things!
1.        My Mom! (Happy Birthday!)
2.       My niece Lillian! (Happy Birthday!)
3.       Bubba cups- seriously this cup is amazing. 34 oz. at a time and the straw (you can get extras) is washable and durable and perfect for smoothie sipping!
4.       Pink pens
5.       Summer storms
6.       VACATION
7.       Dave Ramsey.  This man has changed our lives.
8.       Kristin Schmucker. I have never met Kristin, but our online interactions have been genuine, real, truthful and special.  I have been blessed to have “found” her and you could be too!  she speaks truth and makes pretty things to go along with it!
9.       Forgiveness
10.   Grace
11.   Rest
12.   YOUNG LIVING! I know that I have my YLEO on every one of my lists, but seriously people,  the longer I use these amazing gifts from God, the more I see and FEEL the difference they are making in my life.  (   I am distributor # 1401485)
13.   God’s promise
14.   School supplies! (Home schooling is simply the greatest!)
15.   Smelly markers
16.   Chart paper
17.   “Prah-jecks” (spoken with the BEST 4 years old vernacular possible)
18.   Singing babies
19.   The Lego Movie. (seriously, it is entertaining.  I was a skeptic.  Like, HOW could an ENTIRE movie be about little block head people and their removable arms?  WATCH it…Everything is AWESOME!)
20.   Beautiful  fruit growing on these trees.
21.   Garden Fresh veggies
23.   MY HUSBAND! (Happy Birthday!)
24.   Women of Faith! (If ya’ll have never been to a WofF conference…YOU HAVE MISSED OUT! This is the weekend that I look forward to ALL YEAR! You will feel ALIVE, EXCITED, REJUVINATED and LOVED…plus this year, Natalie Grant, Matthew West, Sheila Walsh, Patsy Clairmont, Lisa Harper and MORE will be HERE, in Rochester, NY, to share their hearts with YOU!!! Ticket’s are still available, contact me if you would like the contact info of our amazing event coordinator)
25.   The Bible
26.   My supportive, loving friends
27.   My family. Not just the 5 of us…but my extended family. I love you all so much and we don’t see each other enough and when we do…it is TRULY special.
28.   Road trips
29.   The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! (Seriously, ya’ll, let’s love on OUR country again. We may not agree with the politics and people enforcing them, but THIS COUNTRY IS OURS…WE can initiate the CHANGE!)
30.   Hampton Inn beds
31.   Yellow Gold (yes…I’m back to that again.)
32.   HEDUA ( a GREAT spot for Home Educators to “meet” up, learn from, share with and subscribe to their awesome magazine)
33.   The Well-Planned Day planner.  ( I LOVE this concept! I use the lesson planner and blog planner. They are my catch all for organizing EVERYTHING. If I had found this book while still teaching public school…I would have used it for my plans…it is THAT good.)
34.   Dressing your Truth ( I have always been pretty savvy in my personal presentation choices.  Consistently wearing “on-trend” outfits and fashionable accessories, make-up and hair styles. HOWEVER, since leaving the “professional” world and not having to “dress up” anymore, I have been more comfortable “experimenting” with my style. I came across a blog post by Carol Tuttle and explored further to find her “Dressing Your Truth” program. Lo and Behold…the “comfortable-experimental” style I had been going with…really was MY TRUTH. No wonder I feel uncomfortable and out of place when I try to present myself as being “professional and put together”…I am not representing MY truth. This program has taught me so much about perception, comfort and knowing MYSELF.)
35.   Kate Monroe. (Kate is a beautiful soul. A beautiful woman. A breathtaking photographer and a lover of the Lord. She is real. She is inspiring.
36.   Adoption. (some of you know how much my heart yearns to become a Mama to another child. Please pray for us, pray for a birth Mama to think of us, Pray for guidance and truth as we walk this rocky path)
37.   The Eye Doctor. (I am going next week. I had a HUGE realization, as we were driving across the country…I think I may need to wear my glasses all the time. And…whoa…I think I may need a different prescription.  I couldn’t read the road signs until I was right up next to them.  I think my days of awesome , huge vintage Hollywood sunglasses are over. )
38.   Fashionscents.( I can wear my YLEO with beautiful jewelry!
39.   John Deere.(well, not really. But my little boys sure do love John Deere.  We visited the John Deere Pavillion and store in Moline, Illinois. The boys had a FABULOUS time. I made a new friend. [the store manager who happens to be a former New Yorker] and can now order DIRECT for a fraction of the price! Amen, right?)
40.   Vacation Bible School (we did things a bit differently this year and spent a jam packed FULL weekend learning about David and Esther. The weekend wasn’t JUST for the kids.  I feel refreshed and renewed in my faithfulness.)
41.   Fluorescent Colored Pencils. (you read that correctly. They are awesome. They are perfect for Bible writing and they are ALL MINE. [no munchkin sharing of these])
42.   Weekly Bible study. (Necessary. Scheduled. Time with other Christians to discuss the word.  I HIGHLY recommend finding a weekly study in your area.)
43.   My daily bible study time. (Oh, how I LOVE my time in the word.)
44.   {beBlessed} Women’s Ministry ( this ministry is my baby…and it is GROWING. My heart is listening to God, and He is telling it to keep offering His word to women. You can find {beBlessed} on Facebook and if you are interested in attending a {beBlessed} event, you can comment here, email me or send me a message via facebook.)
45.   John Holt (I am reading a book written by John 33 years ago regarding the education system and the gift a parent can give a child via homeschooling. It AMAZES me how SPOT ON this man was…so many years ago!  Teach Your Own:  The John Holt Book of Homeschooling)
46.   The book of Ruth ( every time I read this book, I find something new, special or different that applies to my life)
47.   Younique Mascara (this stuff is RIDICULOUS!  3D fiber lashes. Natural. AMAZING)
48.   Pocket charts (it has been a long time since I have used pocket charts in my classroom. It was time to resurrect them. And I love it.)
49.   Smiles from a stranger (have you ever received a real, genuine smile from a stranger? I’m not talking about the forced smile, or social pleasantry, I mean a REAL smile.  One that is intended to make you feel GOOD, to show love for the human race and to let you know that, “Hey, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, we should love each other.”  THAT is a smile I like to receive.

50.   My Great Aunt Edith (small but mighty is the best way to describe this little bundle of fire. She is 94 years young, and last weekend had as many of her family members possible, present to celebrate her and the life she truly LIVES. She “gets it” folks. Love the Lord, Love your family, keep both of them closer to you than anything else, and you will TRULY. BE. HAPPY.)

{{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day...and weekend!!!
