Monday, April 28, 2014

A Love Letter...

Dear David,
It's been a long 11 days. I haven't visited you since Easter. I don't have a concrete answer why...except that life just got in the way.
David, I see so much of me in you.  I don't feel worthy to possess the same traits as the greatest ruler of Israel. But, I guess there's a bit of you in all of us.
God used you in remarkable ways. You didn't know it then, but your trials and your tribulations have gone on to bless generation upon generation. For your faith and trust in the Lord kept you safe- no matter what level of adversity was thrown your way or how many people were determined to kill you. You trusted. You prayed. You had faith.
It's been a rough week. A diagnosis of adrenal fatigue, packing for our trip to Pennsylvania,  church council, being away from the younger 2 boys, planning for the beginning of a new drama ministry production,  planning for a {beBlessed} retreat,  raising 3 energetic and loving boys, trying to keep a marriage pleasant,  cooking, cleaning, schooling, ALL started to weigh heavily on my heart.
I didn't want to pray. I didn't want to give thanks. I didn't want to even get out of bed. But then, my heart directed my mind to think of you. Hidden away in a cave, avoiding Saul and his armies, PRAYING that you would not die. THANKING the Lord for His Blessings and forging ahead.
I know that you KNEW that you were the anointed King, but by your faith alone, you believed that you would make it to the throne.
I needed to get up, give thanks for my blessings and pray for His help.

You,  David, allowed the Lord to be around you. All the time. I needed to follow your lead.

I am someone who tends to block out everyone when things aren't going great. I don't want anyone's help. "I've got it and "I'll make it work", have become statements that are frequent in my daily rhetoric. BUT...why in the world was I blocking out GOD? Why would I think that the One who created me, who loves me unconditionally wouldn't want to help me?
I was raised to believe that you only prayed to honor (rote prayers) or to beg for help or forgiveness when things were not going well. But you, David,  have taught me to pray all the time. That my relationship with the Lord is just that...A relationship. He WANTS to hear from me. HE WANTS to help me...All the time. Not JUST when things are in dire straights...BUT ALL of the time.

You wrote it best, David,  in Psalm 54

Vindicate me by your mighty strength and power.
God is my helper and ally.
For he has delivered me out of every trouble."

Thank you, David. Thank you for reminding me to ALWAYS look to the Lord.

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Do you remember when...

This week, I spent a majority of my time remembering EXACTLY what I was doing when I went in to labor with The Dude, what I was doing at hour 10...hour 20...hour 28...His 1st cry...first snuggle...His smell. I remember it all. I LOVE that I can remember it. How could I ever forget? It has "only" been 6 years. (Only. Where have the years gone?) But, seriously, only 6 years. What will I remember at year 20? Year 40? Maybe I should write it all down?

This week is special for more reasons than just the anniversary of my first born coming into this crazy world.  It is Holy Week.

Do you remember? If's written down! Right there in your Bible.

At sundown, I was imagining the disciples reclining around the table, our Savior washing their feet,  knowing one of them was to betray Him.

Now, at 9pm, do you think He had gone to the garden yet? Was the betrayal close?

I find myself thinking about these events, as if I were there watching. As if I could help Him somehow, as if they had happened merely...6 years ago...not over 2000 years.

This man, this Son of our God, has embarked on a journey to end all journeys.  The road to Calvary is the most significant journey of our world history, and yet, we, benefit from the outcome every single day our lives.

Do you remember? If not, pick up your Bible and travel back 2000 years. Absorb the text. Pray on its depth.  Be thankful.

Enjoy this video as you remember.

Were You There (feat. Russ Taff)~Selah:

{beBlessed} and have GREAT night.

Monday, April 14, 2014


I have neglected my blog over the course of the last week.
I can justify it though.  I have had a CRAZY week. The craziest portion being: 10 kids plus my 1 year old at Chuck E. Cheese for the Dude's 6th birthday. Super fun, super easy AND quite reasonable, cost-wise.
What I can't believe, however, is that the sweet, chubby faced cherub that made me a SIX!
WHERE has the time gone?
I was joking with him today...recapping my LONG EXCRUCIATING labor  [28 hours, 4 hours pushing] "at this time, 6 years ago, I was...vomiting from pain! "
He would laugh.
But, tomorrow, at 12:48 pm, the moment I became ME, 6 years ago will be celebrated.
In all 100% honesty, my greatest role ever has been "Mommy" -and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Her children arise and call her BLESSED"

I am SO blessed.

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT night.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Everybody's workin'for the weekend

"You want a piece of my heart?
You better start from the start
You want to be in the show?
C'mon baby, let's go"... (guitar riff.....awesomeness)

Are you singing it now????

This week is both never ending and flying by.  I feel Iike there aren't enough hours in the day to get my many tasks done...yet, the weekend seems like a mirage in the distance!

Anyone else feeling this way?

I have the Dude's report card due this week, amongst other home-school "business" that needs to be filed,  his Chuck E. Cheese birthday party on Saturdy, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Phantom of the Opera Education stuff, Easter and THEN...A surprise trip to Lancaster, PA to Sight and Sound with an additional SURPRISE adventure after that! I hate to wish the days way, but I AM EXCITED for the end of the month!

So, as I sit here writing...while I should be finishing an IHIP, -kiddos playing sweetly, I wonder.
I wonder if Jesus wished the days away.
I wonder if He wanted "it" to be done with...get on with it....stop worrying about it.
For it to be...finished.

My no. He loved us all so much, that although He knew what had to happen,  He wanted to teach us and show us as much as He could,  before dying for us on the cross.

I am going to redirect my thoughts, get excited for the little painting Easter eggs with my kiddos in about 10 minutes.

Looking at the big picture...we are not here for long. Our babies don't stay babies forever and we need to enjoy EVERY second.

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Raindrops on Roses and whiskers on kittens...

So, I thought that I would change it up a bit and share a list of my 50 favorite of, right now...April 5, 2014. I may do this monthly, as I am always discovering new and amazing things. I will list my 50, elaborate a bit if applicable,  share a few pictures if I have them, include links if I can and then you all can ask me questions about any of them, if you like.
I think that you can learn a lot about someone just by knowing the things that he or she may like. we go

1. Jesus
2. My babies
3. My awesome husband
4. my dog...I mean, how can she NOT be one of my favorite things?
5. My church. ..not the building- the PEOPLE
6. Gel nails
7. Blonde hi-lites
8. HEDUA.COM- AMAZING homeschool resources, magazine, love love
9. Instagram
10. Naptime Diaries
This little company is AMAZING. A girl,  her Pastor husband, 4 kids, artsy, prints and journals!!! LOOK at her stuff. LOVE IT ALL!
11. Candace Cameron Bure...her book Balancing it All, the way she is raising her kids, her marriage, Dancing with the Stars...come on now,  who DOESN'T love DJ Tanner????
12. Mary Kay eye cream
13. Young Living Lavender. ..well YL anything.  I am member number 1401485,  more specifically
15. Dried cranberries
16.YOGI chai
17. Writing in journals
18. "The Story"
19. VeggieTales. .. All of them. All the time. "If it doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey..."
20. She Does Justice. Another amazing woman. Clothing, accessories and mugs. ..With intention, purpose and cause.
21. Frozen
22. Idina Menzel..or Adele Dazeem...whichever way you say it...she is the bomb dot com.
23. Frozen....come ALL know how amazing it is.
24.Walt Disney World. ..My 2nd home.
25. Spring Scarves
26. 1plus1plus1equals1- homeschool resources. Awesome lady who shares EVERY THING she creates just to bless others! How awesome is that?
27. GoFish. ..particularly  the "Gotta Move" album.
28. Purple
29. Ice cream
30. Rachel Hackenburg and her book writing to GOD: 40 DAYS OF PRAY ING WITH MY PEN.
31.GMA deals and steals...seriously. ..MAJOR DISCOUNTS on awesome stuff
32. Perfect Fit Jeans
33. Glitter Ballet flats
34. Cardigans
35. Massage
36. Barnes and Noble
37. Mike Huckabee and his Learn Our History DVD'S
38. Marvel Comics
39. Lent
40. My Galaxy S4...this phone is amazing...I am writing this blog on my phone!
41. Zenni spectacles,  with prescription,  great price!
42. Painting
43. Andrew Lloyd Weber
44. My Drama Ministry
45. Alex and Ani
46. Popcorn
47. Mud
48. Spring
49. Homeschool
50. Easter

I will answer ALL questions...If you have them.

{beBlessed} and have a great night.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

So much to learn from Samuel...

     I will listen
     I can hear
     to me softly
     I do not fear
     tell me how,  Lord
     tell me the way
     with words to guide me
     to YOU,  I pray.
     my words of thanks, Lord
     my joys inside
     my needs the same, Lord
     me when I cry
     your will completely
     me what to do
     me how to serve, You

For YOU, I will be true.

speak.    hear.     show.
life.          love.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Another suitcase in another hall...

I am SO excited about the next {BeBlessed} Women's Ministry retreat that I have been working on. I find so much joy in studying scripture,  structuring and sharing with women.  It gives me a feeling of if I was CREATED to do it. Maybe I was?
That is the focus of this particular retreat. Spiritual gifts.
What are they? How do you recognize them? How do you use them?
HOW did I get here? Not a a loaded question in the existential respect, but loaded in its concrete answer.
1. I was raised in a close knit Italian Catholic family
2. I have a degree in Musical Theatre Performance
3. I have a graduate degree in Education.
4. I have always been a writer.
5. I took a personal goal of reading the Bible, in its entirety, to the next level, by leaving the denomination I was raised in and confirming my Faith in another.
6. I homeschool my children
7. My husband and I are best friends, study the Bible together and worship and pray together.
Now....looking at the 7 statements above, one might think that one has nothing to do with the other...or why I believe that God grooms us to do...what HE wants us to do.
Still with me? I'll break it down...
Ok... My awesome family taught me the importance of attending church as a family and how a congregation of similar beliefs can guide and encourage each other. Performing and teaching are skills necessary to be an effective speaker. Reading the Bible in its entirety, forming my own conclusions and beliefs,  along with the ability to write this information down, in a clear and concise manner, aids in the creation of retreat materials. Being a servant to the Lord fuels my soul. Lastly, having an awesome partner while spending my days home with my kids is the icing on my cake.
I believe that God perfectly crafted these seemingly random aspects of my life as stepping stones of the path of my future.
Looking back on the last 36 years, I remember so many moments that have pointed me towards this current season of my life. I didn't always listen or follow the call or the pull. ..but hey..I am human.
Knowing, Christ, the way that I do such a light in my life. Knowing what HE wants me to do - as I walk this earth, is an amazing feeling.
If you would like to see what you are called to do...send me an email, contact me via Facebook etc. Register for my Saturday Women's retreat on May 3rd here in Upstate NY.
Or, book your own retreat! I can come to your church!
{beBlessed} and Have a GREAT day!