Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The joys of technology and the BLESSINGS of the REAL gifts...

I have a thousand and one posts to catch up on…but I don’t want to thrust them all on you at once! I agree, it has been what seems like ages since my last blog post and the tid-bits and articles waiting in the wings are so fruitful they are piling on top of each other!
We have been “waiting” on an internet service provider switch to occur.  And when I say waiting…I MEAN waiting…and waiting…on the phone…at the brick and mortar “store”…some more on the phone…and today…if everything goes as “scheduled”,  this post will actually find it’s way into cyber space!
I love living where we do; for the beauty and serenity (well…when the tourists aren’t here), but the lack of “services” and the ridiculous expense of above mentioned “services” when they do become available ,make me want to growl.
So, as I am writing this, the “Park Place” of cable and internet service providers are scheduled to activate service at our humble abode today AND, supposedly, it won’t be costing us the college fund of our 3 children. We shall see.
So…where are we on the big road map of life, you ask?  We are roughly 14 days from 1st harvest. Where has the year gone?  As we, (the 4 of us “Farmer fan club” members,) prepare to see less of our patriarch, we can’t help but be excited.  I can’t explain my love for harvest. It is a full season of our lives…each year…where though busy, and crazy, and tiresome, we feel ALIVE! Call me crazy. I know…I kinda am.
Have any of you ever witnessed a complete life cycle of any of God’s gifts? If you have, you KNOW that it abso-freaking-lutely amazing.
As noted in Genesis  1:11, on the third day, God said
“Let the land produce vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”
And it was so.
Look around you. We are so blessed.
In Genesis 1: 29, upon creating Man and Woman, God said,
“I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food”
And He did.
 He has continued to bless us with ALL that we need. From the beginning of time, God has given us everything that we need.  We, more often than not, fall prey to our worldly “needs” instead of caring for, and praying for the heavenly gifts, already given to us- many thousands of years of ago.
Farming is truly doing God’s work.  It is a life’s passion. It takes commitment, perseverance, dedication, blood, sweat, tears, restlessness, hope, and lots of PRAYER.
Friends, would you join us in praying for ALL farmers? They dedicate their lives for your health, wellness and nourishment. Bless them in all that they do to serve you and the Lord.

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

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