Sunday, November 30, 2014

Feliz Navidad! Let GENEROSITY abound!

Hello ya'll and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I am refreshed and full of gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon our family.
God is so good and He always provides.

After a season of thankfulness for all that we have, it only makes sense to turn our hearts towards GIVING and blessing OTHERS.

The boys put together shoes boxes for Operation Christmas Child and it was such a JOY to take each of them shopping for their child. Their little hearts wanted to share all of their favorite things with a child somewhere in the world, who may be getting gifts for Christmas for the first time ever! Can you even process that? The football, books and silly putty that my babies put in a Rubbermaid box- will be the FIRST GIFTS EVER for 3 little boys somewhere in the world!
So, it got me thinking. What can I give to the people who have truly blessed me?
Over the past year, I have been blessed with little trinkets and books and bibles and subscriptions and... awesomness! I have listed these things in my favorite things list each month, and I think it is time to pay it forward a bit.
SO...I have decided to do a Christmas giveaway and contest all rolled into one!

Here is the scoop!:
1. Read my December Favorite Things blog post.
2. If you do not already follow the blog- become a follower.
3. In the COMMENTS under the December Favorite Things BLOG POST, tell me:
     1. Which favorite thing you think that you would like best. (Choose between numbers 1-10 only)
     2. Why do you think you would like it best?
     3. Your email address (I will not spam you,  this is just to contact you if you ste chosen!)
4. Share the link to the December Favorite Things blog post to a social media site. Either Facebook or Instagram and hash tag #thefarmeranddanielle

***if you are randomly chosen as the "winner", You will receive the item that you mentioned in your comment AND a Veggie Tales Nativity Playset to either give your own children or to bless another!***

You must enter prior to Monday, December 8th to ensure delivery before Christmas! 
Stay tuned for the list to go LIVE tonight!!!

{BeBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

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