Monday, September 8, 2014

Would Jesus speak like that?

Would Jesus speak like that?

I find myself saying this phrase to my 6 year old daily…sometimes many times daily…I actually just said it now- as I am writing this.  There are moments, when out of frustration with his brothers, he gets this growl to his tone and it just sounds horrible.  I know that he doesn’t mean to be malicious…but he is just trying to get them to LISTEN to him, by HEARING his voice differently.
Speak Life.
Proverbs 18 tells us in verse 21; “The tongue can bring death or life”. 
Is this true to you?
Speak Life.
I wrote a song on Saturday. Don’t chuckle. I did. I haven’t sat down at the piano in a LONG time and it’s crazy…it just came out of me.  [ don’t expect an album release party any time soon…]But as I sat and played, I began to sing…these are some of the lyrics:
Speak Life
Speak Love
Speak Blessings from our Savior up above
Speak your heart; the truth every day
Jesus sacrificed his life to show us the right way.
Speak Life.

Love each other
We’ve got to Love the World
Share the Lord’s great Blessings
The only way that Jesus would
Speak Life.
…and I just kept going..., I know!  Crazy, huh?
My theme though was what?  SPEAK LIFE
It has obviously been on my mind.  I declared my goal for the month of September to be that of Speaking Life and Love over all that I encounter. If any of you are my facebook friends, you know that I had a ROUGH 1st week of September. Oooooh….the enemy was a testing me! But, when it would have been so easy to blow up and scream and be ugly and use my words to achieve ugly results.  I paused, offered those ugly thoughts up to Jesus and spoke LIFE.

We ALL walk this life with baggage. NO ONE can say that they don’t have any.  Life is a destination. Always moving, always traveling towards our kingdom home. Would you go on vacation without packing a suitcase?  AT LEAST a clean pair of undies and a toothbrush, right?  AND…you wouldn't go to Disney World without bringing home a new Mickey Mouse, would you?    So, your “life’s baggage” is full of things that you have brought with you as well as things that you have picked up along the way. Are you picturing this now? ( my suitcase has like 10,000 Mickey Mouse’s, whoa)
 Alright….any hurt, any disappointment, any loss and any heartache that you have EVER experienced is there in your suitcase-  Along with every joy, blessing, accomplishment and love that you have EVER experienced.  YOU have the ability to UNPACK what you want, at any point or destination on your journey. YOU have to be in control of your suitcase.
 If we are met with adversity on our path…we are inclined to just open up our suitcase and throw whatever we grab first at the enemy. Right? So if we have our unpleasant souvenirs packed on top…we throw what? Are you following me?
It’s fine to travel this life with these hurts packed in our valises.  We just need to pack the super awesome souvenirs on TOP of the not so great baggage.  That way, when the enemy comes…we open up our suitcase and throw LOVE at him, COMPASSION at him, the WORD at him.  He will go away MUCH quicker and learn to leave you alone. Amen?

Why are we, as human’s, so inclined to throw negative at the negative?  I am HORRIBLE with this.  I chuck such nastiness sometimes, that I scare myself.
 I know a few of you that are just beautiful , amazing people that accept the amazing souvenirs from the Cross and are throwing these gifts at the enemy every day and are already Speaking Life over  everything…I KNOW that so many of you are living like this. I ENVY you.
That is an UGLY word ,too. Envy.  That only comes to fruition when the enemy is present.  Proverbs 14 tells us that “envy rots the bones!” and it DOES. I need to SPEAK LIFE.

So, here is my new mantra.  “Would Jesus, Speak like that?” I need to ask MYSELF this question too?  Not just my kiddos. They LISTEN.  They LEARN.  They REPEAT.
I speak with that scary growl. I do it when I am upset. I do it when I unpack my suitcase and fling the first thing I grab at my enemy. My kiddos learn this from me.
 I need to pack my hurts down deeper in my bag and bring the beauty of Life, my children, my Joy and about 10,000 Mickey Mouse stuffies to the top of my suitcase.  The enemy could NEVER stand up to Mickey Mouse.

Speak life. 

[beBlessed} and have  GREAT day!

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