Friday, May 9, 2014

I've got the Joy (joy joy joy) in my soul!

I love that song. I'm not even positive how it really goes, but that is how my head sings it every time I think of the word, JOY!
My babies have been SICK this past week. The stomach bug has been traveling through our area like wild fire.  I will be SO happy when my house is free of all yuckiness!
As for me....I. FELL. AMAZING.
I guess I had forgotten what it actually felt like to feel "good". Thanks be to God, for bringing me to LIV Wellness for treatment. I could not have felt this good, this quickly, via any other method of treatment.
I still have one boy getting rid of the stomach bug,  so I will keep today's post short, but I wanted to make sure I wrote something about Mother's Day and it's significance, to me.
Actually, I don't feel like mother's day is any different than any other day. In my world,  every day is mothers day. If we train our children up in the ways of the Lord,  they will honor and respect us, as their Mama's every day!  What good is a day AWAY from your babies when they are the ones that made you a Mama, anyway! I like to spend my Mother's day with my family. We spend it with animals, outside, together. No gifts,because, let's face it- flushing the toilet is a better gift than ANY piece of jewelry, candle or bottle of lotion ANY DAY.
So, I guess what I'm saying is; Mama's -we all are tired, we are ALL being pulled in a thousand different directions. BUT, we have all been given a gift. The privilege of raising and training these little hearts to be loving, kind, generous, faithful and true. To love their God,  to love their family and to live simply.

Our babies are the ultimate gift...they are all that we really need.

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT day!

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