Friday, May 2, 2014

May is for JOY!

Happy May, everyone!

I know I'm a day late and a dollar short,  but I have been busy and tackling my little ol ' illness with ferocity so, I give myself a "pass"...for now!
I have decided to declare May to be the month of JOY!
It has been a really long time since I have been able to feel truly "Joyful". I have been sick,  both physically and, well, mentally, for some time now and finally having a diagnosis (yeah!) and even better, yet, a treatment plan (WOO HOO!) is enough to make me jump for JOY!  Have any of you ever had a doctor...or in my case 3 doctors, tell you that there is NOTHING wrong with you, when you KNOW that there is? Frustrating, is putting mildly.
Anyway.....I am not going to dwell on the "lost time", but I am going to focus on the JOYFUL time that is to come!

I am reading the book of Philippians this month. I love how JOYFUL Paul is, when writing to the people of the church that he began prior to his incarceration. I mean, the man is in JAIL and he STILL is exuding JOY and LOVE for the Lord and the people he taught to follow Him.

My list of FAVORITE THINGS this month is a list of 50 things that BRING ME JOY! There will obviously be some repeats from month to month, but if you truly LOVE something, how could they NOT carry over? 
***to my husband: I am including some things that could  bring me Joy IF they were gifted to me, as well.  ;-)  hint hint...Mother's Day is in 8 days!♡♡♡

Without further ado, the list:
1. Jesus
2. My handsome stud of a husband
3. Jackson
4. Philip
5. Levi
6. Louisa Maria
7. Babies playing with Louisa
8. Laughter
9. Sassy 6 year Olds (not the sassiness per say, but his sarcasm...he is really funny)
10. Music
11. My piano
12. Singing voices
13. Paint on canvas
14. The smell of baby shampoo
15. Glitter
16. Glitter ON SHOES
17. Pretty leather journals
18. My bible
19. Fun craft projects
20. Writing stories with my boys
21. Grass
22. Mud
23. The blue heron that greets me every morning
24. Sight and Sound theatre
25. The soundtrack of Moses from S&S
26. Big cat eye sunglasses
27. Purple manic panic
28. Etsy
29. Druzy (see ****) ♡♡♡♡♡
30. Turquoise (again, see ****)
31. OPI Brazil collection
32. Graphic T's
33. Flowers
34. Specifically G E R B E R A D A I S I E S [Do we have that???? ;-)]
35. SUNSHINE...when it's here
36. Acupuncture
37. Chinese herbs
38. Rain boots...uh- hem
39. Washi tape
40. My erin condren life planner
41. Chalk. Call me crazy,  but I LOVE my chalkboard
42. Bubbles
43. Epsom salts
44. Peanut Butter Banana Smoothies
45. Instagram
46. My "insta- followers"
47. My church
48. My church ministries
49. Coffee

That's it folks.  My list for this month!
What are some things that bring you joy? Share them here!
If you would like to follow me on instagram, my photos will be displaying my JOY throughout the month!
@daniteeple is my insta- name

{beBlessed } and have a GREAT day!

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