Monday, February 3, 2014

Pinterest...the CRACK for MOMMIES!

Yes, pleaseValentines nails #nailbycandiceDark brown to blonde Ombré! :)

So, if crack addicts are called "crack-heads", does that mean that Pinterest addicts are called "Pin-Heads"?
JUST kidding.
But, in all seriousness, I have a MAJOR addiction to Pinterest. I'm not sure why either.  It's not like I can afford the beautiful clothing, that my hair will miraculously grow to the perfectly coiffed, curled and sun-kissed locks that are spattered throughout my "feed", my nails will NEVER look as if I have 2 DOMINANT hands painting them, or that my kitchen will EVER have a brick oven, chefs stove and a butcher block island underneath the sunlit glow of a giant skylight. Pinterest is like a playground bully taunting the fat kid with a giant cherry topped cheesecake!  BUT...the "fat kid" {me} keeps sliding down that slide day in and day out!!!
Wanna know why?
The HOME-SCHOOL pins ARE attainable. The super-hero Moms (and occasional Dad) that share their YEARS and YEARS of home-school successes [and failures] are PINNING their words of wisdom. Their organization ideas.  Their classroom designs and...wait for it....THEIR CURRICULUM! I have not spent a hot- red- penny on any curriculum related products since purchasing my initial supplies in August. Worksheets, drills, flashcards, games, art projects, PE, book lists, labs etc. You name it....I have found it! I have used other family's class room photos as models for ours.  I have used organizational tips from Mom's with similar aged children.  I have even used pins from other "former teachers" on how to plan for your own kids versus planning for a classroom of 28!  Ladies and gentleman...Pinterest, has saved this Mommy from pure insanity this year.  It has actually been a BLESSING.
So, among the giant diamond rings, the wash board stomachs, the recycleyourdog'spoopintofertilizer and recipes for pumpkin-chai  soup...there are everyday, usable 'Pins' for the average home-schooling family.
Check out my home-school board, my boards: for the kids, diy, crafties and growing things. Hey...while you're there, you might as well stare at Pretty, Pretty Hair, My Style and Jewels too!  It's like playing virtual dress-up!
{make sure that actually find ME, if you do choose to look for me and follow me on Pinterest.  There IS another DANIELLE TEEPLE. How creep0 is THAT?}
Have a BLESSED day and...Hey, don't take too many hits of that Pinterest. ;-)

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