Thursday, March 6, 2014

From Adele Dazeem to a bloody mess...

WHAT a DAY! This morning began like any other normal day in the Farming Homestead Homeschool.  The boys trickled in to kiss me awake 1 by 1 and we had breakfast, morning devotions and we went to begin our school day.
I was having some copy machine malfunctions. After I noticed that one of the Dude’s journal prompts didn’t copy correctly, I decided to just make a few new copies. The big boys were singing…like SANGING out! The Boombah was singing along, noticeably knowing the lyrics just as well as his brothers.  Anyone want to guess which song they were singing???
*”Let it Go! the incomparable Adele Dazeem (snicker)
“Mom, could you Pllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaasssseeee play it for us? Pllllllleeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssseeee!” I shrug.
I agree, “sure, we can do music first this morning." The copier was frustrating me anyway.

I grab my glass of water (this is key information) and sit down at the piano. I place my GLASS next to the music holder thingy and begin to play.

We all begin to sing
“The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen.  A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I’m the Queen….
Don’t let them in, don’t let them see….
…Well, now theeeeyyyy knooooooow.”
Bamp Bamp Bamp Bamp…FORTISSIMO on the piano
Apparently shaking it a bit too much and CRASH!
My water glass falls and knocks my little Boombah square on the head, and?
Blood spurts, the Dude is gagging, Bubby is jumping around like a grasshopper on hot pavement and all I want is my phone to call the Farmer. Oddly, the only tears are those coming from the Dude, as he promptly gags with each request for my phone.

Fast forward- big boys with Grandma and the Farmer and I are off to the Emergency Department.
My Boombah was such a trooper! The doctor assured me that I was not a bad mother, that if this was the first ER trip, and this was my 3rd boy, that I must be doing something ok.
 I blamed the government and their scare tactics urging me to purge my plastic and purchase heavy glass drinking containers. If I was still using my hot pink Tupperware cup we would NOT have been in the situation we were in today. ;-)
Looking back at my morning now, I can chuckle. I can thank the Lord Got almighty that my Boombah didn’t have a concussion, that glass didn’t get stuck in the wound, that we lived somewhat close to an efficient emergency department, and that I DIDN’T LOSE MY COOL.
Not once. No tears, at all (from me) I even laid on the bed and held my boy as they stitched him. I had Faith. Some of you are probably thinking, um, it was a couple stitch wound, why WOULD you have lost your cool. You knew he would be ok.
But you see, I have suffered from such debilitating anxiety and panic disorder that if this had happened 4 years ago, I would have probably gone into cardiac arrest. Seriously. Though medication got things under control initially, my FAITH, and PRAYER and daily relationship with God has KEPT me ok.  SO, my thanks not only go to the doctors, my 4 year old who hot potato danced to get me my phone from the charger, my 5 year old that provided me with belly laughs as we drove to the hospital (as I was remembering his reaction) my husband who came right home, but really didn’t need to, because I was ok. All of these thanks to my God.
My husband has been my crutch.  He has protected me. He has helped conceal my panic for so long. It is such a habit for him, I think, to immediately fly to the rescue and keep me ok. But, you know what?  I am ok. My amazing husband and my amazing God have made me, O.K.

On my agenda for the night(and weekend)…to keep my dog from licking my Boombah’s bandage, to keep my big boys from causing the Boombah to topple over, and  the BEST one: to keep a one year old “still” for 3 days. HA! I think I would have better luck wrangling a greased up pig!

{beBlessed} and have a GREAT evening!

1 comment:

  1. What a testimony to the power of faith! What a difference it makes to be able to turn to God in all the circumstances of life. Rejoicing that Boombah's recovering well (and his parents, too)!
