Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Snow Day vs. Sick Day

Things around here have been a bit busy. I just sat down after the ‘feeding of the animals’ and realized that I have had ZERO time for myself to read, reflect or to write!
So, SNOW DAY induced cabin fever…I will use you to my advantage. I shall travel out across the world wide web and forge contact with other humans that way!
1st and foremost, the Boombah is healed. The stitches did their job and I don’t think he will  have much of a scar. If he EVER grows any hair, it is sure to cover up the first of his battle wounds. He is on the couch next to me right now, trying to reach the keys and typity-type this himself. Mischievous,  cute and back to normal.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 are in bed. We had a FULL day INSIDE. Whoa. This INSIDE business is for the birds. They love to be outside and even the nicest portion of the day was met with 25mph winds. They played hard, built forts, built a farm,  had a concert as a rock band, planted seeds and rearranged their bedroom.
Yes, you read that correctly.  The Farmer was HOME. NOT because of the weather. (in all honesty, it really isn’t that bad out here)He was home today because he is SICK. He (and I) have the flu, we believe. Fever. Check. Aches. Check. HeadACHE. Check. All over malaise. Check.  A trip to the Emergency Department 5 days ago, left our baby sewn up and all better, but left us with a virus that incubated inside until it was ready to hit. And BOY did it HIT!

So, today, was not the typical snow day.  Daddy sat in his chair snuggled with his book, a cup of tea and rest.  Mama, on the other hand, didn’t sit down until about 5 minutes ago when I started writing this!
It’s funny, isn’t it? When a woman is sick, she is expected to forge ahead and fight it off.  When a man is sick, he curls into a ball, gets waited on hand and foot and wakes up as good as new the following morning after all the rest that he got!
For the record; His fever WAS higher than mine... by 1 degree, so I guess I was the “least sick” one and expected to take care of the 3 little hoodlums.
Though I feel pretty crummy and I’m a bit tired, I really didn’t mind.  Call me crazy.
These boys bring me so much joy. They are gifts.  Every day spent with them are gifts. Though I didn’t feel like myself today, and there wasn’t any dancing going on (on my part) I am thankful for the spunk, the love and the devotion these little hearts feel towards me. A matchbox car massage goes a LONG way on achy shoulders and neck.

My husband. This man whom God saved for me. My gift. He works SO hard for our family. He provides for us. He encouraged me to leave the work force to stay home to raise and teach our children. He comes home from a 14 hour day and plays with our babies, before they go off to bed. He wakes up early and goes to bed late…for US. His devotion to his wife and children, his respect for the land, and what it provide, his respect for all of creation,  given to us by God.  THIS, my friends, is a GOOD MAN.
Don’t let me paint a perfect, rosy picture, because it definitely is NOT…all the time. We fight. We disagree. We battle demons that try to sway our loyalties away from our God and from each other. BUT- when all is said and done. We regroup. We pray. And follow the Lord’s instructions.

“Wives, submit to your husband as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church”

“However, each one of you must also love his wife, as he loves himself.”
Ephesians 5:22,  33a

SO, as this man, who loves me unconditionally, reclines in his chair, asking our Lord to make him feel better. I am going to sign off of this thing. Get him a glass of ginger ale and pray that he feels better in the morning.

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