Monday, March 24, 2014

This Mom thing is hard work.

Springy-dingy-doo, where are you? I need Vitamin D for me now...


When I looked out over the bay this morning, and couldn't see the island because of the SNOW, I about lost my ever loving MIND! Not only did it snow today, the temperature barely made it into the teens. I have Spring stuff to get done , gosh darn it!

This weekend, we had our first "naughty kid" moment. Like, legit naughty kid.When you home-school your kids, their friends are typically other home-schooled kids. The kids are not subjected to the inappropriate language and behaviors that traditionally- schooled kids are.

SOOOOO... while we were gone, the boys had some play-time with some other kids. When we got home, we were met with:
1.  The Lord's name being taken in vain...multiple times.  Like, every other sentence.
2. The "threat" of a "Coolie being Kicked"...but NOT with these words.
3. The directive that he was "A Big kid now" and could watch "REAL" Sponge Bob. [Sponge Bob will NEVER be deemed as a REAL cartoon in my ANY age]

Well...The Dude got some MAJOR schooling from his Mama and Daddy this weekend.  Not only did he lose his previously earned movie at the theatre, he lost a play date, and movie night at home. What peeved me the most...even when corrected- he KEPT doing it! I couldn't believe it. The Dude is my kid that, when corrected, never does something again. This time around, it didn't matter what I took away...he kept it all going. Spitefully. uggggghhhhhh. He frustrated me SOOOOOOO much! It was seriously the LONGEST 3 days we have had in a LONG time. [Not to mention that I was REALLY looking forward to seeing the Muppets, just as much as he was.]

Just as I was about to really lose my cool, I took some quiet, God time for myself. After praying for some HIT me. [God is awesome like that] I sat Jackson down, and with our family Bible, we re-read and discussed The 10 Commandments. Though these rules were handed down to Moses THOUSANDS of years ago- they still apply. They will ALWAYS apply. God has given us a pretty awesome life. All He asks is that we follow a few simple rules. The Dude FINALLY got it. He wasn't just disappointing and disobeying his mom and dad, he was disappointing and disobeying God.

So, what have we learned from this experience, you ask?
1. Fruit snacks with crazy dye were seriously created by the devil, himself.
2. A 5 year old really shouldn't hang out with an 11 year old.

... and lastly

3.  When ALL else fails, God will show you the way.   Even if your 5 year old was "Darning", "Oh Mying" and "!!!" Him for a few days. He forgives. I guess I can too. ;-)

{beBlessed} and Sweet Dreams

1 comment:

  1. Great way to teach your kids! I failed miserably with mine. I want to get to the point when something is wrong, the FIRST thing I do is consult His word- not like I actually do- when all else fails! Keep hanging in there Dani!
